Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cheereading Dress and Accessories

Feith Keith, the owner of website selling cheerleader's accessories talks about the important things of cheerleader uniform and apparels. Read below.

Cheerleaders are included in the game generally for the moral boosting of the teams. While playing any game players always have some kind of tension in their minds that whether they will win or not if they lose then what will happen. In such stages cheerleaders play and important role. They help in providing some kind of relief from mental tension. They are also used to attract crowds attention’s in watching the game.

While cheerleader used different things while performing their dance and music also plays important part in this. But more important is the dress or costumes of these cheerleaders, that actually hold the attention of many people. Before using any pumps and costumes rehearsals should be done that whether they are suitable for the particular game or not. Even the country and type of crowd is coming for watching the match. The dress of cheerleaders should not be vulgar or indecent. But should be according to the taste of country and people as well as comfortable to them so that they don't have to face difficulties while performing different physical actions. As the particular dress may not be liked by one but can be good for other.

Costume suitable for the squad. At the time of entering into competitions the cheerleading squad must have costumes, matching trainers, exclusively designed ribbons, socks, pom-poms and other required accessory. The costume of these cheerleaders should be according to the events they are participating like school concerts, school summer and spring fairs, carnivals, church functions, garden parties, Rose Queen festivals, spring fairs for other schools in the region, charity events and sports matches. As for church functions their dress should be pink, white or blue silk cloth. At these Church events wearing short skirts is not appropriate. While skirts are good for carnivals and sports events.

For parties cheerleaders should have glittered dress, which does not have dull colors. For spring fairs the cheerleaders should wear colorful dresses. As it is the part of celebrations. Thus cheerleaders are not meant for only sports events they can take part in many other events also. It is the dress of the cheerleaders that is first seen by the crowd. So special emphasis should be made upon the dress or costumes as it is the first and the last impression.